GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS SoftwareHTC HD2 / GPS-Problem
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Eule 16.04.2010 12:09:59 UTC geändert am 16.04.2010 12:37:19 UTC

Exportierte KML-Tracks mit "Google Maps Mobile" öffnen

Hallo Admin,
der Export von Tracks in verschiedenen Formaten ist ein nettes Feature. Nur leider gibt es (zumindest auf meinem HD2) ein Problem mit den KML-Dateien.
Exportierte KML-Dateien lassen sich zwar auf dem PC mit "Google-Earth" öffnen aber mit "Google-Maps-Mobile" auf dem HD2 gibt es da einen Fehler: "Die Community Karte konnte nicht angezeigt werden da sie Fehler enthält".
Das Problem liegt irgendwie in der UTF-8 Kodierung der Datei begründet. Wenn ich die KML-Datei mit einem Text-Editor öffne und sie dann als einfache Text-Datei (also nicht UTF-8 kodiert) abspeichere lässt sie sich nämlich mit "Google-Maps-Mobile" ohne Probleme öffnen.
Kann das irgendjemand bestätigen oder ist das ein Fehler der nur auf meinem HD2 auftritt?

Gruß Andreas
orodiger 14.04.2010 12:42:12 UTC

Hallo Andreas,

I suppose the question is whether the noise (I assume you mean the irratic track recording, like jumps all over the place, etc.) comes from RunGPS or from the GPS device in the phone itself. I seem to remember from another thread that one of the developers responded that it is the GPS data itself, which implies that the other tools you are using mask/massage the data. FYI, I also did parallel tests and observed the same, but thought it was due to the difference in how the data was presented, i.e. RunGPS shows raw data and other tools smooth it.

@admin: Can you confirm that the GPS data provided by the phone is inaccurate or whether RunGPS is recording it differently to other applications?

Viele Gruesse,
Eule 14.04.2010 12:34:42 UTC

Hello Oliver,
yes, since build 1956 the new filter will be corrected some GPS-"noising" for distance calculation.
But the GPS-"noising" problem still appears, special in low speed tracks like wandering and walking.
It should be possible to fix this problem because it's not happen in other applications e.g. JOGGAH, GPSmeter etc.

regards Andreas
[1]same track simultaneous recorded with HD2 via Run.GPS(red) and JOGGAH(blue)
orodiger 14.04.2010 11:26:05 UTC

Fix improved measurement of distance, but still slightly off

Hallo Eule,

1. I agrree that there is still a small problem with the total distance measured, but I myself did not have 10-15% discrepancy. Here are three of my trainings that follow more or less the same route apart from slight differences in the start and end point outside our block of flats (usually within 10s of meters).

Using HTC Touch HD back in November
Nov 2009 10.03 km

Using HTC HD2 in Feb without new filter and with build 1956 in April
Feb 2010 10.94 km Before the fix
Apr 2010 10.23 km After the fix, build 1956

2. I noticed that your GPS dilution increased after about 25min and was wondering whether you saw any change in the weather or anything else like getting a call, etc. I sometimes have similar experiences and wonder whether it is related to the phone and/or RunGPS.

Eule 14.04.2010 10:46:59 UTC geändert am 14.04.2010 11:00:49 UTC

HD2 Run.GPS "verrauschte" Aufzeichnungen

Hallo Admin,
ich benutze seit einigen Tagen Run.GPS (V2.3.6c build 1961) auf meinem HD2 (registrierte UV Pro Lizenz). Leider musste ich feststellen, dass die Track-Aufzeichnung durch "verrauschte" GPS-Daten so stark verfälscht wird, dass eine realistische Auswertung nicht möglich ist (z.B.
Das Problem tritt bekannter Weise speziell bei geringen Geschwindigkeiten auf: Wandern, Walking & Jogging.
Bei paralleler GPS-Aufzeichnung mit JOGGAH (hatte ich bisher benutzt) fällt auf, dass die Strecken in JOGGAH wesentlich "glatter" und bzgl. der Distanz auch genauer sind. Die Strecken in Run.GPS sind durchnittlich ca. 10-15% zu lang.

Offensichtlich ist also das HD2/GPS-Problem entgegen der ChangeHistory mit V2.3.6 build 1952 (12-Mar-2010) doch nicht wirklich gelöst worden. Zitat:
•add another GPS data filter to improve distance (and other values based on distance like average speed, average pace, average heart efficiencey, ...) calculation (the new GPS data filter is an incremental version of the Douglas-Peucker algorithm) (this specially concerns devices like the HTC Touch HD2 which provide noisy GPS data)

Ich hoffe es wird noch an einer Lösung des Problems gearbeitet. Bis dahin hab ich die 50€ für die UV Pro Lizenz leider umsonst ausgegeben.

Gruß Andreas
admin 12.04.2010 11:38:34 UTC

Yes you're right but this should not happen because the "GetFiles()" call refers to a directory that has previously been created by Run.GPS (the directory containing the training files). Anyway, we'll add error handling for this in the next minor release.

ab006897 09.04.2010 20:29:31 UTC

I'm sorry

but the space it isn't the problem.
In the root "\" i'm 29 Mb free space ed in SDCard is 16Gb

just a tip; (I do not want to teach anything) but the function InternalGetFileDirectoryNames() retrive an error when the exception is not managed.
If the exception for the class DirectoryInfo is
System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: The path is invalid, such as being on an unmapped drive.
System.Security.SecurityException: The caller does not have the required permission.
the error it isn't for the freespace.
If you include the function in a block try is easy to debug the problem

Example: in vb.Net
'' the code here

Catch ex As Exception
End Try

:-) Thanks and good job
admin 09.04.2010 12:15:39 UTC

Well this error means that creating the ZIP archive for uploading fails.
- Is it possible that the file system is full?
- The data directory should be on the SD card:
/sdcard/My Documents/Run.GPS and not
/My Documents/Run.GPS

ab006897 08.04.2010 15:34:59 UTC

HTC HD2, RunGps Crashed

Thanks Admin ; Unfortunately 1961 also builds crashed but in not same point. Today the error concerns the form System.IO.Directory. Net. while sending data to the portal.
If you "Import" module System.IO.Directory, the Exception is
InternalGetFileDirectoryNames() in InternalGetFiles() in GetFiles()
The comment AT is:

'll Run Saturday morning workout and then try if everything is ok with build 1961.

admin 08.04.2010 11:07:51 UTC

Please try the latest 2.3.6c build 1961 version.

Can you please send me (after installing the latest version) the first 2 lines of the detailed crash report (if it crashes again)?

Should look like:

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