GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS CommentsHP IPAQ 914C NL
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Robsta86 14.07.2009 23:08:08 UTC

Hi Guys,

I'm using RUN-GPS on my HP IPAQ 914C NL and I must say it works pretty well!
It doesn't take much time to get a good GPS signal, let's say 30-60 seconds.
It's pretty acurate, although when I'm training in the woods sometimes i loose GPS signal.

I also noticed the following:

RUN-GPS was running good no problems. Then I downloaded SPB Mobile shell v 3.x to my phone and after that GPS problems started to show up. RUN-GPS saying I was running 60km/h etc etc... I uninstalled run-gps and SPB Mobile Shell and then reinstalled run-gps still same problem... Did a factory reset and installed run-gps and works like a shine again :).

Greetzzz a happy run-gps user.
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