GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS CommentsZephyr Hxm Drops connection using Sumsung i617 Blackjack
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thanatos 17.08.2009 16:46:03 UTC

Well for me it's strange too, i run a Hxm on a Fujitsu Siemens Loox N560, and the heartbeat still connected works/stop works/works/stop works and so on..

So i had some information but not very accurate , too bad for such devices cost..

Maybe a next version of Run Gps will fix that...

jabol20 21.07.2009 15:52:33 UTC

I had same issue few time, but I just needed to disconnect-connect. Maybe it's issue which com ports, because I sometime lose connection with bluetooth GPS too.
cybrslug 18.06.2009 18:54:29 UTC

Zephyr Hxm Drops connection or is unable to connect using Sumsung i617 Blackjack

Seems that lately my Zephyr HxM monitor is either dropping the connection to my Samsung i617 Blackjack, or is sometimes unable to connect. In most cases this is resolved by quitting RUN.gps, restarting the application and attempting to establish another connection to the HxM monitor. Sometimes it verbally says it is connected, but clearly the icon indicates that it is not connected. In those instances, I will just wait out the failed connection and perform a "Disconnect-Reconnect" which seems to work.

I was running the Baud Rate at 115200 which is what was indicated in the Zephyr manual, but have since dropped it to 19200 to see if it was the data transfer that was to fast for the Samsung Bluetooth Serial port. I have also installed the latest version of RUN.gps as I noticed some info that indicated a fix related to the "FRWD B Series" Heart Rate Monitors that was designed to resolve a lost connection issue with that monitor.

Has anyone else had similar issue? If not, I guess I will have to play the disconnect reconnect game until the issue is addressed in a release update. Other then that I love RUN.gps & my Zephyr montior. Many people on my commute ask me what I am running on my phone when they her Ms. RUN.gps tell me my training data.
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