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admin786557 20.12.2013 09:14:36 UTC

Some facts about the activity level calculation:

- It takes into account all plausible activities of the relevant sports running, nordic-walking, hiking, cycling, mountainbiking, race-cycling, rollerblading, rowing, cross-country-skiing and snowshoeing
- The older an activity is, the less relevant it is, the formula is about like this: relevance_for_act_level = calories / body_weight / (days_between_activity_and_now ^ 2)

Your calories in the last months were:

Dec so far 17700
Nov 26700
Oct 31300
Sept 51000

So the explanation why your activity level sinks is that the high performance values of e.g. Sept are becoming less relevant since they are too far in the past.

koszu 19.12.2013 18:02:17 UTC

Let somebody explain me algorithm of activity level calculation.
Last saturday I ran 58 km and after my activity level was 13.85 - about 0.15 more than before. Since monday day by day I run 10 km and day by day I lost 0.1 from my activity level since saturday It's 40 km more and my activity level is 13.5 now. All my trainnings are plausible. What's going on?
AntonioMachine 06.11.2012 21:38:15 UTC

I've been using endomondo until i discovered Run.GPS ... i like it, but has two serious cons to new users:

1.- Training sesions can't be imported from other software (i.e. i have passed activities from endomondo to runkeeper, with all normal data: track, speed, time and HR)
2.- I can define manually old training sesions, but i'm a shell (and last two months my calendar is plenty of trainings)

Please, answer to uei65 (and me) ... can you make than manual defined training is fully operative ? (or better ... let us import GPS tracked with other software)
MacBrunswick 20.06.2012 13:52:19 UTC

I also find the calculating of the activity level very strange.
Last week I cycled a route of 28 kilometers and the level has gone up 0.3 points. The next day I cycled a route of 37 kilometers with approximately the same speed and that only added 0.2 points to the activity level.

An FAQ, i.e. for the calculation of the activity level, would be nice. :)
uei065 30.03.2012 16:21:49 UTC

anwer to admin from Apr 14, 2011

This change is not enought. All the people is asking to can use the manual training added to improove the activity level.
Are you going to do? or not?
Please, take us a clear answer
Alamonica 24.12.2011 06:46:18 UTC geändert am 02.04.2012 09:02:22 UTC

-- ad post deleted by admin --
admin 14.04.2011 13:58:49 UTC

We've now made a change here: if you leave the calories value at 0, the calories will be calculated.
bernvac 14.04.2011 10:30:21 UTC

''add manual training'' bug?

The swimming trainings are part of my training schedule, but I have a problem putting them at my desktop pc because the calories burnt in swimming aren't counted. When I put the distance and the duration the calories aren’t counted automatically by contrast to my mobile phone where the entry is easier and works well except the touch selection of sport which is not sensitive but with a little effort it works. Is there any way to input the training to my desktop pc with the calories estimation?

astroh 14.12.2010 21:15:35 UTC

Quite stupid

It's weird to comment all manual added trainings as Training data plausible NO.
Many people train especially in the wintertime inside so gps recording is impossible. There should be an option to overrule the "NO" so manually added trainings count too
volpini 22.10.2010 21:38:54 UTC

manual training entry not taken into account ?

I made the same observation. I think its because the field "Training data plausible?" says no.
Would appreciate answer final from administrator
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