GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS GeneralProblems uploading trainings, routes et cetera
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bbalsing 29.03.2018 17:41:48 UTC geändert am 29.03.2018 17:43:47 UTC

Thanks you!

Thank you Tom. I'm very pleased uploading is working again. :-)
DJJannick 29.03.2018 09:43:17 UTC

Works fine again.
Thank you Tom
1superburschi 28.03.2018 18:48:45 UTC

Thanks alot, Tom

for solving this issue!
zumba 28.03.2018 09:36:15 UTC


Working again!
Bart_geens 28.03.2018 08:29:02 UTC

Yep, upload is again working fine.
I_H 28.03.2018 08:17:03 UTC

Danke fürs Kümmern.
vpudlei 28.03.2018 07:54:34 UTC

tut wieder!!
Tom 28.03.2018 01:39:47 UTC


Sorry for the troubles uploading. Should be working fine again now.

Really sorry guys that it took so long. Won't happen again - promise!
kreutlm 27.03.2018 22:08:17 UTC geändert am 27.03.2018 22:09:20 UTC

Gib es noch Administratoren die sich um das Porta kümmern???

Die Admin's machen wohl Urlaub, vielleicht kümmert sich mal jemand um die Schwierigkeiten. Wäre echt nett...

Sorry, da hat es wohl das "l" beim Tippen verschluckt, sollte Portal heißen.
zumba 27.03.2018 19:31:07 UTC

Me too

Cannot upload to server anymore. Already several days now!!
Help needed!
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