GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS SoftwareCrash at app-start (iPhone 4s)
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pdrunning 01.08.2014 14:40:37 UTC geändert am 01.08.2014 14:41:00 UTC

Both problems?
admin 01.08.2014 12:08:14 UTC

OK, thanks. A fix for this problem should be included in version 2.8.8 (currently being reviewed by Apple, will be released in < 1 week).
pdrunning 31.07.2014 13:10:51 UTC geändert am 31.07.2014 13:17:50 UTC

The app (2.8.7) crashes immediately at startup. If you don't have a data connection it's impossible to use the app because the 'send error report dialog' disappears to the background.
(Was on an Island with no data connection :-). )
I have sent the bug report today.
Also speech is still very fast!
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