GPS-Sport ForenGeneral Talklevel of activity
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ekerstges 06.01.2013 22:50:36 UTC geändert am 06.01.2013 22:51:33 UTC

Hi gufox and others,

I view this +1.4 as "recently you have been more active as usual" (so it's a positive number) and "your level of activity will increase... when you keep up this intensity"...

I think there's no way of predicting when your activitylevel will be raised... but in all the years I use this software & site I never saw something that was unexplainable. Of course: the higher your activity level is, the harder it will be to raise it.

A year ago or so some users asked the developers for the formula they use to calculate the activity level. I'm glad they don't publish the exact formula. Once in a while we see users trying to "cheat" the system and try to be the "Athlete of the Month" using training sessions that are fake. I think a published formula would only increase this behaviour. I'm in it for the sport - not for the numbers (and me being a math teacher that says a lot :) )

Happy walking/running/cycling/whatever...!

gufox 05.01.2013 15:39:40 UTC

thank you for ur explanation, but there is still something what i think, requires to be more or less explained. Lets take into account these example: 5.2 cat +1.4. The first number indicates my current level of activity and the other number points out how it changes through the time? Am i correct? :-)
ekerstges 31.12.2012 15:40:42 UTC

Hi gufox and others... gufox: your sports seem to be walking, nordic walking and running. Activity level calculations are applied only to the sports running, nordic-walking, hiking, cycling, mountainbiking, race-cycling, rollerblading, rowing, cross-country-skiing and snowshoeing. So don't expect your activity level to rise when you uploaded a walking activity. Furthermore: the calculations are done around midnight (Amsterdam time zone)... Last thing: when you are a very steady sporter with a very steady schedule you will reach a point where the activity level won't rise - it's flats out at the level you train on... only an increase in your trainingactivity will rise your activity level...
I wish you all a very happy, healthy and calorie-burning 2013!!!
AntonioMachine 27.12.2012 22:32:41 UTC

Today some of my trainings updated the actvity level. Not all, but most of them. I think we have to be patient
gufox 27.12.2012 12:22:10 UTC

i hope its not true coz its definitely the best software on the market. What about the other users?
AntonioMachine 26.12.2012 17:18:33 UTC

Same here. This software and this forums seem to be abandoned
gufox 26.12.2012 09:52:41 UTC

any suggestions tho?
weesen72 25.12.2012 20:15:45 UTC

same to me !!!
gufox 25.12.2012 18:29:58 UTC

Hi there, i think i'm having an issue with the activity level, i mean it hasn't change even a bit since 2weeks. I do excersise on a regular basies, so could anybody have a clue what might have happend?
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