GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS SoftwarePost fitness activity on Facebook : System error
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admin 05.09.2016 17:09:22 UTC

Thanks for reporting ... it's fixed now.
jffroment 05.09.2016 11:26:41 UTC

System error

An error happened processing your request ...
The error is reported directly to our admins and hopefully we can fix it soon.
Error message:
Unable to compile class for JSP:

An error occurred at line: 82 in the jsp file: /facebook/publishFitnessV2.jsp
Type mismatch: cannot convert from List to Vector
79: ftb.setFacebookManager(fm);
80: String description = ftb.describeTraining(ui.userID, ti, request.getLocale(), false);
82: Vector photos = ti.getTrainingObjects();
84: if (request.getParameter("publishOnWallButton") != null) {

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